
This little app was born out of curiosity regarding the neumorphism design. I based the design on the work of Kevin Al-Rizal.

Through this app I got to use redux for state management, libraries for components as well as creating my own custom components like the vertical slider for instance. Allowing to learn more about gesture handling. I also used navigation both internally to change screen and also externally to launch the browser when clicking on 'Details' to redirect to the CDC website.

Try out the app (iPhone only)

Head over to the github repo and follow the Readme instructions.

Enter your body specifications

  • Age : in years (yrs)
  • Gender : male or female
  • Height : in centimeters (cm)
  • Weight : in kilograms (kg)

Get your BMI

The BMI calculation is based on the CDC's equation to calculate adults' BMI (20+ years old).

The BMI is then displayed in the circle as well as the weight category of said BMI (here, 'Healthy').